ero ero

koncept erogrotesek zastrzeżony. Wymyślony 21.4.10. i cały, cały mój.... (koncept. tak). erogroteska = miniatura erotyzująca z elementami groteski, które wkradają się wbrew moim najlepszym intencjom....

the idea of an erogrotesque is copyrighted (or might as well be). Thought it up today (21.4.10.), googled, and it's mine, my precioussss (idea. right). an erogrotesque = a more or less erotic drabble, with some 'grotesque' thrown in for a good measure - it keeps interfering, against my best efforts....

Gdyby ktoś nie zauważył, tłumaczenie jest dość swobodne.
If you didn't notice, the translations are... loose at best.

środa, 27 października 2010

fuck blending in

nerves on a slowburn. bleeding bender-blender. "I'm uncomfortable" - such a fucking safeword, but however much out of comfort zone it was, I wouldn't give it up. Does it show too much? does it say too much? [is there a 'too much' to say or show? is it there even if I don't see?] You'll see whatever it is you see, and I almost don't fucking care, so it's almost a relief. In the world of almosts, you take what you can get.

Also, the cute lecturer and the unnerving student, vol. 1, 2, 3 [uncensored, imperfect]

Lecture: penetration

Fill me, full
fill me with
meaning, so
embedded in the
very air I breathe
stab it inside the
very flow of blood
until it shows up
in the writing on my walls
marks on my forehead
lettering littering
the sensuous inside of my

[I carry advertisement beneath my
Wanna suck them and taste the ink?]

Lecture: Immersion

Flow of thought, chilly against my lips
Sweetly pours over feeling, reeling, revelling
in revealing nothing but
the need to breathe in
the water, liquified
wordy, otherworldly
[and how nice for you!]

Lecture: Impression

Read it again.
Look me in the eye
I'm buying it
[romantic confession of a
consummated consumer]
I bought it thoroughly
I want it again.
Pleasure of denial
ain't it fun? and oh!
how dangerously close to
- oh well

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