ero ero

koncept erogrotesek zastrzeżony. Wymyślony 21.4.10. i cały, cały mój.... (koncept. tak). erogroteska = miniatura erotyzująca z elementami groteski, które wkradają się wbrew moim najlepszym intencjom....

the idea of an erogrotesque is copyrighted (or might as well be). Thought it up today (21.4.10.), googled, and it's mine, my precioussss (idea. right). an erogrotesque = a more or less erotic drabble, with some 'grotesque' thrown in for a good measure - it keeps interfering, against my best efforts....

Gdyby ktoś nie zauważył, tłumaczenie jest dość swobodne.
If you didn't notice, the translations are... loose at best.

poniedziałek, 25 lipca 2011

to the next level

I get so smart, when in the shower. It carries me through the day. Through thoughts, ideas, what have you. Through changes.

It will be time to change. No kidding. Yes, I'm scared. I cry, I talk, I hide.

But yes, it's time.

I'll do it. I always do. Not many other things certain, but this.

And the other certain thing I will leave with - yes, that. That, and hope.

Spoken cautiously, though often. Dearly, gently, held.

Next level. Wait for me, on the other side.

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