I don't know. And I'm actually happy in not-knowledge. A rare thing, that. The rarest of pleasures. I enjoyed the touch without the drag of guilt and fear. I enjoyed the warmth, the scalding warmth of galloping blood, when - so very separately - we danced, faces flaming, breaths stuttering within ribcages, veins strained and visible caught against the skin. I enjoyed, and will not let that enjoyment be diminished. Not by awkwardness, not by shyness, not by thoughts of other worlds, other lives, other people. This moment, this warmth doesn't belong to anyone; too beautiful, too free.
It is time to be grateful again, and not to invisible gods, but to broken mortals, who took away my edges, making me laugh and laugh and laugh at the absurdity of my self-importance. My shyness and embarassment - mere forms now, cliches I don't feel, but I feel I'm supposed to.... forms and cliches filled by laughter and pulse. Accidents, imperfections, tugging up low-riding jeans, falling down from the stage, breaking the glass of the lonely.
I don't know. But I remember. Remembrance of the joy will take me through time enough - before it fades, so much will be touched by it, and thus, changed.
Nie wiem. I jestem szczęśliwa w tej niewiedzy. To nieczęste; nieczęsto doznawana przyjemność. Cieszyłam się dotykiem, bez męczącej winy czy lęku. Cieszyłam się ciepłem, gorączką zdyszanej krwi, gdy - tak bardzo osobni - tańczyliśmy, twarze w płomieniach, oddechy brzęczące w klatkach piersi, żyły napięte i uwięzione w klatkach skóry. Cieszyłam się, i nie dam zmniejszyć tej radości. Nie dotkną jej niezręczność ani nieśmiałość; ani też myśli o innych światach, innych życiach, innych ludziach. Ten moment, to ciepło nie należy do nikogo. Zbyt jest swobodne, zbyt piękne.
Kolejny moment wdzięczności - nie dla nieznanych bogów, ale dla kruchych śmiertelników, którzy wygładzają ostre kanty, budząc mój śmiech, śmiech, więcej śmiechu na widok własnej absurdalnej powagi. Moja nieśmiałość, mój wstyd - czyste formy, banały pozbawione emocji; nie czuję ich, tylko czuję, że powinnam czuć.... formy i frazy wypełnione dźwiękami śmiechu i tętna. Wypadki, niedoskonałości, podciąganie spadających dżinsów, spadanie ze sceny, tłuczenie szklanek samotności.
Nie wiem. Ale pamiętam. Pamięć tej radości wystarczy mi na dość, przeniesie przez czas - zanim wyblaknie, dotknie we mnie tak wiele, tak wiele zmieni.
ero ero
koncept erogrotesek zastrzeżony. Wymyślony 21.4.10. i cały, cały mój.... (koncept. tak). erogroteska = miniatura erotyzująca z elementami groteski, które wkradają się wbrew moim najlepszym intencjom....
the idea of an erogrotesque is copyrighted (or might as well be). Thought it up today (21.4.10.), googled, and it's mine, my precioussss (idea. right). an erogrotesque = a more or less erotic drabble, with some 'grotesque' thrown in for a good measure - it keeps interfering, against my best efforts....
Gdyby ktoś nie zauważył, tłumaczenie jest dość swobodne.
If you didn't notice, the translations are... loose at best.
the idea of an erogrotesque is copyrighted (or might as well be). Thought it up today (21.4.10.), googled, and it's mine, my precioussss (idea. right). an erogrotesque = a more or less erotic drabble, with some 'grotesque' thrown in for a good measure - it keeps interfering, against my best efforts....
Gdyby ktoś nie zauważył, tłumaczenie jest dość swobodne.
If you didn't notice, the translations are... loose at best.
sobota, 18 grudnia 2010
piątek, 10 grudnia 2010
She liked these dreams, when closeness was a sweet certainty, with warmth possessing an edge unfamiliar from the waking world. The images were something all too rare; something to be missed, coveted, hoarded. The waking world wasn't nearly as generous as these occasional dreams of safety, never more than she could handle. Calm, she was then. Calm like waters of the lake, gently moving, with a barely-there rocking, like heart pumping, like the everyday in-and-out of breath.
poniedziałek, 6 grudnia 2010
Thank you and thank you again, my friends, who
make me feel less of an Any Body.
Might be attractive, but in this piece of meat
brain is a rare delicacy
and we delight in explorations
trips of the mind, stumbles of words
that lead to states of emergence of
enthusiasm, and flying colours of
thought which for a startling moment
suspends itself in mind-numbingly,
make me feel less of an Any Body.
Might be attractive, but in this piece of meat
brain is a rare delicacy
and we delight in explorations
trips of the mind, stumbles of words
that lead to states of emergence of
enthusiasm, and flying colours of
thought which for a startling moment
suspends itself in mind-numbingly,
sobota, 4 grudnia 2010
I don't know why I drink. There are times when it's enjoyable, but it's not one of those.
It hurts me, it's very unhealthy right now, it's direct self-sabotage. I feel the voice in my throat, longing to explode, stifled by cheap wine. Me and a cautious extra step back.
Come here, take your medicine. Over and over and over again. Since you refuse to learn....
It hurts me, it's very unhealthy right now, it's direct self-sabotage. I feel the voice in my throat, longing to explode, stifled by cheap wine. Me and a cautious extra step back.
Come here, take your medicine. Over and over and over again. Since you refuse to learn....
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